No-No's in making new contacts

Posted by Paula van Dun
1308 Pageviews
People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel."


This quote I read for the first time today, I never heard it before. But these truly are Words of Wisdom.

It is something you also want to keep in the back of your mind in your online approach of new contacts or in comments you make on other people's postings.

There are things that make me feel irritated. It are messages from new contacts that only say Hello + an affiliate link. Or new contacts contacting me through the APSense message bar to paste some affiliate link in it, sometimes without even saying hello. Of course one of your objectives to make new connections is to do business in most cases. But I don't think the above is a good approach.

There are better ways. What you could do is sending them a short message like I am Jon from Italy and  I would like to get to know new people, along with the remark that they can read more about you on your profile and/or APSense ABC. (of course your updated profile). Most people will except. They won't all take the trouble to view your profile at once, but that's ok. When connected they see what you have posted and they may do so later. 

Another thing what annoys  me is when people comment on MY article with an advertisement for their own opportunity. Unless it is an article specifically asking to post resources of some kind, I think it is rude. 

As for commenting, please realize that the member on who's post you commented gets a notification. If that member is serious about his business he/she will go there to read it and to see if a reply back is needed. If you post comment spam; comments that say nothing (thank you, very nice, etc.) that member will start to ignore you because he/she will feel you are wasting that members time.

Always try to respond in a polite way if somebody writes a comment you disapprove. Writing a comment explaining why you disapprove is more constructive than calling this person a moron.

Social marketing is about being social and mainly promoting yourself and your skills. Just try to help others. You will build nice online relations and on long term your profile and signature will do a large portion of the selling.