Striking Out With Your "Pitches"?

Posted by Lenore A. Moker
741 Pageviews

Have you been pitching your product and not getting any results? Here's an eye-opener approach you might want to consider.

Whether you own a brick and mortar or E-commerce business, ranting and raving about how wonderful your product or service is can actually hurt your sales. Instead of pitching the product, you should be pitching the SOLUTION.
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I've surfed through many E-commerce websites and the "bling-bling" is so overwhelmingly annoying trying to get people to buy their products, making claims of how good it is for you and that you can't live without it.

Is it catching my attention? If their goal is having me laugh (literally) out loud or clicking to another site, then YES, they've caught my attention. One thing about network marketing and it's somewhat distasteful (actually it leaves a really bad taste in my mouth similar to cold liver and onions) is all the hype and whooplahhhh. I'm all for being energetic and passionate about a product one's selling, otherwise they wouldn't be selling it (or at least I hope not), but if they want to be taken seriously, they need to tone it down.

Does this type of advertising really work? Does it say, "I have a better solution to offer you and here's why...?" Or does it say, "You whoooo...Check out my colorful website with the flashing-oh-my-goodness-what-the-heck-eye-watering-ad?" I'm sure there's a product on their site somewhere, but with all the distractions, only shows desperation and visitors will be turned off.

According to many  network marketers, their product or service is the best on the planet, everyone should have it or own it, you'll lose 30lbs in 2 weeks, blah, blah, blah...After yawning, I have to ask...Really? Where are the facts to the claims you're making?

We all know that there's a tremendous amount of products and services sold on the Internet; what makes yours better than all your competitors? I can assure you, it's definitely not the hype! How does yours truly and I really mean "truly" stand above the rest? Anyone can say this is amazing or that's just out of this world, but WHY and HOW?

WHY is it better than all the rest and HOW can it add value and solve problems for those in search of a solution?

Turn the question around. Ask YOURSELF why your product or service is good and how can it solve a problem for YOU. Answering these questions yourself will give you a better understanding why you should implement this approach. If you choose to keep pitching, you'll probably lose your credibility.

More insight can be found at