You are your own boss, now what does that mean?

Posted by Cheryl Baumgartner
1783 Pageviews
Most of us get into affiliate marketing and MLM for one reason, we want to be our own boss.  It's a great idea but when you get into something like this you have to remember that you are now doing your job, and the boss' job.  While we can pick up the our job part fairly easy, we can forget about the boss job.  what exactly does a boss do?

The Boss does quite a bit more than 'crack the whip' with his workers.  He's responsible for the day to day running of the business, issues you probably don't even think about.

Yes the Boss is the one responsible for the budget.  He is the one that makes sure that workers are paid, pays for the overhead of running the business and arranging advertising and promotion of the business.  The boss is the one responsible for maying sure that over head does not exceed what is coming in.

Industry Standards
No matter what business there are ever changing industry standards.  From day to day the boss needs to know about changes in the way the industry does business and new innovations.

This is a huge area because every business has to follow laws.  The boss is responsible for making sure that the business is in compliance with all applicable laws.  This is not a one shot deal because the laws are constantly changing and the Boss has to stay on top of things.  This is the one area that is most often over looked.  Business laws do not only apply to large corporations, they apply to every business right down to the one man shop.  Not knowing about the laws is also the most dangerous of all the areas when ignored because not only can your business not survive, you can find yourself facing fines, legal entanglements or even lawsuits.

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