Selling Your Soul For A Sale
I know the title is a little over the top but now that I have your attention allow me to explain what I mean by it. I had to ask myself some serious questions recently and came to the conclusion that I qualify to run a successful Home Business. These are a few of the questions I had to ask myself.
1. Am I willing to do or say anything for the sale? The answer is NO
2. Am I willing to take the time to qualify my people or will I just go for the jugglar?
3. Will I be there for the prospect AFTER I recruit them or will I just count them as a sale and move on to the next person?
4. Do I really have the time to mentor a complete newbie or will I just blow them off after the sale with a song and dance?
5. Am I willing to stay the course and stick with my chosen Home Business no matter what comes down the pike?
6. Will I whine and complain to my downline about the company and my upline instead of getting down to work?
These are just a few questions you may have to ask yourself down the line, we always talk about the weasels or scam artists, are we really any better?
Skype: paul.hines7