Limited Time Offer Scams

Posted by Paul Hines
694 Pageviews

You see them everywhere on some sites, you visit a site and the first thing you see

is a digital clock counting down backwards, thats suspect because for one thing, if

you're here today trust me you'll be here tomorrow, next week and next month, all

they'll do is re-set that clock for the fresh fish that will flood through that

site in droves being caught in a huge fishnet that rivals a fish net in Alaska when

the Salmon swim upstream to spawn. This particular scam involves attacking your

subconcious into believing there's a sense of urgency. We as human beings do all we

can to avoid that sense of loss, we don't want to feel like we're losing out on

anything. These weasels know this all too well, this is a carefully, tested

technique designed to release a certain chemical in your brain, the longer you stay

on that site and see that digital clock ticking down, the weaker you get so don't

fall for it, If you go to a site and see a clock ticking down backwards don't walk,

run as fast as you can and click off that site.


There are some situations where companies will limit the people they take in only

so they won't overwhelm their small office staff during their beta or testing

phase, now I can understand that scenerio. finding the right business for you is a

huge job especially with all this information overload going on today and you have

to be extremely careful what you jump into. Right now I thank God everyday that I'm

not a complete newbie because the industry is full of con artists that are prepared

to go to any lenths to seperate you from your hard earned cash and who have

absolutely no sympathy for you. Make no mistake, these people are seasoned pros,

even us online vets have to make sure we don't get caught sleeping because these

crooks have honed their skills down to an art form and nobody's safe. Sometimes we

opt in to marketing tools we need forgetting that we automatically are placed on

someone's list or a cookie has been placed on our hard drive to monitor our online



Am I on a crusade to save the world from these weasels? Do I think I'm the

Scaminator? Absolutely not because I've been around long enough to know that people

will be people and when someone has you believe you can make a million in your robe

that some people will go for the bait every time, My personal mission is to save

just ONE complete online newbie from getting fleeced by these swindlers. I've gone

broke in my learning process so this is nothing I've heard or read, I lived the

living hell of wanting to change my situation by having the freedom to have my own

business and being a Lamb to the slaughter. If you're a newbie and are still on the

fence, stop by my site to take a look what a real affordable low risk Home Business

looks like and I promise there won't be a digital clock there counting down

backwards trying to make you believe you're the chosen one and you're just so

special. I don't know about you, but I feel special already.