It is never too late to study

Posted by Hardeep Saini
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The saying: "It is never too late to learn" surely seems to be hold ground for some students of IGNOU

A professor on the verge of retirement at the prestigious Regional College of Management (RCM), a medical doctor, a grey-haired chartered account and a middle-aged housewife were among those induct into various courses of Indira Gandhi National Open University on Sunday. 

Of the 200-odd learners present at the induction ceremony at BJB College study centre here, at least 20 were above the age of 40 and 5 above 50. 

"One must continuously upgrade one's skills. It is never too late to learn in life," said Prof Prafulla K Das of RCM, who has taken admission in the post-graduate diploma course in distance education. 54 year-old Das who had started his career as a medical representative after BSc did a masters' degree in history before doing pursuing his masters degree in business administration MBA from IGNOU, PhD and D Lit from Utkal University. 

"Open learning is an emerging area. As a teacher I want to know more about it. Although, this diploma is not going to help me professionally, I still want to pursue it," he said. 

Basides Das, a 42-year-old housewife has also taken admission in the Sociology MA in the institute. "I now have time to study. My son stays in a hostel doing his engineering course," said the woman. 

Pramod Chandra Mishra, a 45-year-old primary teacher, took admission diploma in educational technology. "I am a teacher. So it is good to know as much as possible about teaching," said Mishra, who is at present posted at Singhapada Primary School in Nayagarh district. 

IGNOU's flexibility allows professionals and people of any age to pursue courses of their choice. Some of the students, who have studied at the BJB College study centre of IGNOU, have done exceptionally well in terms of placement and career advancement, said BJB College principal Dushmant Sahoo.