Why is it that some people seem to attract success, power, and wealth with what appears to be very little effort; and others fail altogether  to reach their ambitions and goals.

Are you like me and ask "Why is this so?":

Why should some men realize their ambitions easily, and with others it appears to be done with a lot of difficulty, and again with some others - they don't achieve it at all?
Well if you were to ask me the difference is in the mind; it's your thought  process that starts the creative process. It's "thought" that overcomes every obstacle towards your goals. dreams and ambitions.

I have read hundreds of books, maybe not thousands like some, but definitely hundreds. I've attended numerous lectures, seminars and now webinars and have come to understand that we have within each of us the power to transform our situations to what we desire.  When the power of thought is fully understood, it's effect and is simply phenomenal.  But at the same time you will require other skills such as diligence, and concentration in order to secure your desired results.

The person who learns that power comes from within, and who throws them-self into
their own thought belief, as well as assuming a positive attitude, can work miracles.  Of course your mind will also create negative conditions just as well as positive conditions, whether it is consciously or unconsciously.  Any abundance or success, therefore, depends upon a recognition of positive versus negative thought processes.  So then you must expand your vision and your method of thinking, so that you channel towards a particular method of positive thinking.

But you must also take your thought and expand it into action, in order to have the
ability to secure the results you dreamed of having, and reap the rewards you want.  And this is just one of the keys to learning the skills it takes to create the change you need in order to achieve the results you want in your life.

Positive thought processes can develop insight, the kind of insight which is one of the distinguishing characteristics of almost every successful business person, the kind which can enable you to see the possibilities as well as the difficulties in every situation, the kind which enables you to see the opportunities in front of you as well.  Without the ability to develop your belief structure to entail positive thought processes you may end up similar to the literally thousands who fail to see opportunities within their grasp.

When you start to master the power of thought it gives you the ability to create for yourself;
as well you will then start to portray that thought into effective action; moving you towards your goals of success and abundance; eventually others will start to recognize that you are the type of person with the character that they are attracted to.  Effective and positive thought has changed the lives of thousands of men and women.  It teaches that most anything is possible, when channeled correctly and followed with effective and powerful action.

As I indicated earlier; like myself, many read books, take home study courses, attend
lectures all their lives yet without ever making any progress.  Why is that so, because of their belief structure and thought process, plain and simple.  You must take what you learn and put it to actual practice in your daily routine.  There will be a change and it will slowly transpire in your daily life, and is more important than any other skill you develop.  Every thought must be brought into action to produce an actual physical change in the direction you personally require in order to attain your goals, dreams and successes.

This really is the process by which failure is changed to success. Positive effective thoughts will give you the courage, power, and inspiration, to move you from despair and limitation that may have taken root in your belief structure.  You will find that life has a new meaning and is filled with confidence, hope, and a renewed energy.

You will see opportunities for success to which you may have been previously blind to.
You will recognize possibilities which before had no meaning.  The thoughts of success will be radiated to those around you as well, and they will in turn help you to move onward and upward; you will attract new and successful associates, and this in turn changes
your environment.  The simple exercise of positive thought, coupled with your belief structure and effective action, will not only change yourself, but also your environment, circumstances and conditions.

You will see, that the possibilities are fascinating, as well as limitless.  And to think anybody with this knowledge will have the advantage over those that don't.

So now you know - "Why it is so?" and how you can attract the success, power, and wealth with what appears to be very little effort in order to reach your ambitions and goals.