Make 2011 ...The Year it happens ..!!

Posted by Melvin Clifton
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The year It Happens for You.!. Don't  just Wish For What You Want  In 2011..! nor Wait For what You Want ! Command what You Want..! and watch it come into materialization. 
The farmer must plow and till the soil before planting his crops; so to the mind must be plowed and tilled in preparation for successful ideas and thoughts to be sown in it. Plowing and tilling must then be followed by mental gymnastics and pruning.  In other words, the mind must be tuned and ready.

Earlier in the evening, I found myself having  a philosophical thought about the wealth that is  possessed by the wealthy and how they got it.  None of the folks we refer to as wealthy, don't print money; (well there are a few exceptions). I'm talking about  folks like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Ophra, Donald Trump and the folks sailing around on mega yachts here in Caribbean waters. Somewhat like a magnet, they attracted their wealth to them. The magnifying element in their formula was (is) not necessarily education. We all know of wealthy folks who don?t hold degrees or special letters behind their names. For the most part, they had goals and dreams that they planned and executed.

I know and acknowledge that the expensive homes and buildings sitting on hillsides did not just happen, nor do the expensive Lair Jets sitting in hangars at airports just appear out of thin air.  The ingredients that combined and led to the appearance of these material things are intangible  such as Desire, Imagination, Belief in oneself (and perhaps a higher power) Dreams, Goals, and Expectation.  President Obama likes to add in Sacrifice and Hard Work. Perhaps !!

There is also the healthy respect one needs to have for money (the management of  it; the power it can display, if managed correctly and quite the opposite, the destructive consequences it can display, if mismanaged).

Due to unforeseen expenses I have had during the past few months, I fell a bit short on cash and thought of calling up a friend to negotiate a small loan. (perhaps I am not alone, considering the economic conditions of the past year). When I called my friend and expressed pleasantries and my need, his response was that he was not sure if or what he could do because of immediate expenses he needed to take care of. He further stated that he doesn't usually keep available money around that isn't tied down.

The expression about money that isn't tied down immediately  caught my attention and further reinforced the favorable opinion I have of my friend as a person who manages  money well. My own mother, now at 88 years (young January 13) is a person with incredible money management skill. Her life story by itself is incredible, considering that she has been a single parent since (all four of us) were in our teens.  She did teach for a little while which earned her a few pennies; later on she worked as a maid in a hotel. Yet my mother manage to rare us to adulthood, bought land, built a home and is able to maintain herself from her various monthly earnings). In December the last time I saw mom,  during a conversation we were having, she told me about a CD she has with a bank that has  a greater balance that I have ever managed to stash away.  I felt it hard to believe even though she had shared with me at an earlier time, a secret about how she learned how to manage money; and it goes like this: a guest vacationing at the hotel seeing how hard she was working, told her during a conversation that ?she had learned how to spend a dollar twice and still get back change?. The moral of the story is of course, about being shrewd with  money; getting as much value as possible for money. My mother immediately picked up on the straight forwardness of the statement and has been practicing money-management ever since .