Who isn't on Facebook?

Posted by Patsy j Payne
561 Pageviews

There is a change to facebook privacy issues.

Plz check your account. 

There is a change to facebook privacy settings. Plz check your accounts and make appropriate changes. New FB Privacy setting called "Instant Personalization" goes into effect. The new setting shares your data with non-FB sites & it is automatically set to "Enabled".

  1. Go to Account
  2. Privacy Settings
  3. Apps & Websites
  4. Instant Personalization>
  5. edit settings & uncheck "Enable".
  6. BTW If your friends don't do this, they will be sharing info about you as well. Copy and repost to all of your contacts and fb friends....
A friend skyped this to me. I went into my facebook accounts. One was OK, due to my security settings.The other one I made the appropriate change. Plz check carefully, unless you want non-facebook applications to get any info you put on facebook.