In the Internet Marketing world, more and more, we see the word "team"

Unfortunately, many people start something, then attract other people in it by calling it a team, but what they want are strength in numbers. Or only their money. :(

IMO, a team is a group of people who work together to make a project work. Each member has different strengths and weaknesses.

A good team leader will see that and give assignments accordingly.

If one person accepted an assignment but is not working hard on it, the team leader will discuss things with that person. Maybe there are some issues in that person's life that reduce motivation to do good work. Or, simply, the person was very enthusiastic to join the team, but can't find it in her heart to accomplish the tasks required.

Instead of trying to make the person feel guilty for lack of cooperation, see if good accomplishements have been made in other areas.

Chances are, you'll see the person in a new light.

You will then have 2 options :
  1. Give a different set of assignments to that person
  2. If there's no place for that person's skills in your team because the places are already filled, recommend the person to friends who might have need of that set of skills
The person will be grateful, probably beyond measure.

Your heart will be filled with joy. :)

Oh, btw, do not be afraid to hire people that are better than you in some areas. Most of the time, they don't want your job, they want an opportunity to use their skills in an exciting environment. And, if one of them wants a management role, good for you, if the person has the right attitude for you, cause it will allow you to give time to other projects knowing your team will continue to work hard and successfully.

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