Just Go With The Flow

Posted by Roosevelt Evans III
906 Pageviews

While I slogged through the rain, I reviewed the day from the 10,000 foot level. There had been much activity and even a fair amount of productivity, but what struck me the mostwas the rhythms I'd experienced during theday. The more I thought about what I'd done all day, the more I realized that we (all of us) work in three distinct rhythms - Rapid Fire, Small Burst and Extended Focus. Each rhythm has its own pace and its own benefits. (Read full article)

     There is so much to do in online marketing and social networking but when we find a work "groove" or rhythm much can get accomplished and feel good about it. Moving from reading and sending e-mails, to surfing on TE's, to networking and promoting on social sites requires different work rhythms. I find if I don't try to force my online activities but rather let the processes of online marketing and social networking flow naturally, I can find a groove that flows efficiently and effectively without me stressing over it. It's not so much trying to "make it happen" as just "letting it happen" when it comes to online marketing and social networking, as I see it. Just "go with the flow"!