Make A Christmas List That Counts

Posted by Sue and Shawn Kelly
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 Here is my Christmas List  that practices the true Spirit of Christmas

1. Give a pint of blood .
2. Give through Heifer International.

  • Heifer Puts Its Model to Work in Post-Quake HaitiHeifer Puts Its Model to Work in Post-Quake Haiti
    On Jan. 12, 2010, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake centered near Port-au-Prince, Haiti, crumbled an already fragile country. "I saw pieces of my neighbor's house falling right in front of me," said Heifer participant Jaqueline Adolphe. "I ran in terror; I didn't know where I was going, only that I had to get away from that area." A reverse migration, as people fled crumbled urban areas for the countryside, put a tremendous burden on rural areas, but also provided a unique opportunity for Heifer to do what it has done around the world?long-term, sustainable development through agriculture.
    Read the rest of Jacqueline's story and learn what Heifer is doing in Haiti.

Former Enemies Now Friends, Thanks to Heifer ProjectHeifer Plants Seeds of Hope in the Arkansas Delta
Southeast Arkansas is a place of endless farm rows but very little in the way of healthful food. It's also a place of depressing statistics: only 10 percent of people have attended college; 12 percent are unemployed; 90 percent earn less than $18,571 a year. Children in the region are particularly vulnerable. What will their future look like? With help from Heifer, The Delta Sprouts, a regional cooperative, is rebuilding the region's food system and creating sustainable food security by establishing farmers markets and a community kitchen garden.
Learn how you can support Heifer's work in struggling U.S. Communitie

3. Give to Food For The Poor

4. Give to Your Local Food Bank

5. Give to Toys For Tots

6. For the Person Who Has Everything Give to one of their favorite charities in their name and give them the receipt and a print out of the site.

7. Make up zip lock bags with a wash cloth, a sample size bar of soap, a new tooth brush and tooth paste & lotion and disposable razors and  sample cans of shaving cream foor the men. Give them to a soup kitchen that will be giving holiday meals so they can be distributed  for Christmas.

8. Help an elderly  or disabled person decorate for Christmas

9.Buy a ham or turkey and donate it to a store or Charitable Organization who distribute Christmas Meal gift baskets

10.Collect un-needed coats, Jackets hats and blankets etc and give to soup kitchen to distribute or if you are really brave go to the nearest tent City or homeless shelter to distribute them.

11. Take some cookies to the local fire or police station

12. In the spirit of St. Francis buy a bag or bird seed or a suet cake for our wild-wood friends

If we need to cut back to do this so be it. Let the children vote on it.