Where Is The Income
I am creating this blog in an effort to have business owners show case their business!
I would like to hear from leaders, by my definition: Individuals who stay in touch with their downline. Who are not afraid of the telephone. Who throughly understand the program they are promoting, and who can help their downline get into profit.
I am tired of program owners who get people into a program, and you never here from them again.
I would rather work with three people to help them throughly understand the program, and how it would benefit us, see that they are secure, and go on from there.
I know there are very good programs out there, and I am looking for them.
I would like a program that has a proven track record, which is not about investing money every five minutes, with easy to follow instructions which anyone can understand, and will not require recruiting a million people!
If you have a business which meets this criteria, please tell me about it!
Helen Smith