Why Do Some Succeed and Some Not?

Posted by Corey Blackmur
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Direction, Dedication, Discipline and Patience

Why do a select group of individuals always and consistently succeed?
What exactly makes these individuals different?

How does the average person create a substantial income with no experience and is it possible?

The simple answer is........YES!....It is possible....

Many people spend their life savings searching for instant riches and are left with
nothing. There are simply no real get-rich-quick schemes. It takes a clear head and
some careful planning to succeed online, just like in any business.

Internet marketing can be a profitable, full-time business but you need to approach
it from the right perspective.  Some successful internet marketers have no plans on
quitting their full time jobs, they simply enjoy having fun online and earning an
extra income from it.  No matter which direction you plan on taking, whether full
time or part time, not being prepared for what you are about to undertake can cost
you a lot of time and money.

So what does the average person have to do to become successful on the internet?

First decide what direction you're going to take with your business, from there it
will take dedication, discipline and patience.  Patience is a key; you're not going
to do this in 30, 60 or 90 days and if you think you can you better change your
thought process, or look at different avenues. 

~ Richard L Evans once said ~

"Your direction is more important than your speed"

So choose your direction, then have the patience, dedication and discipline to see
it through with effective proactive action.

It will take you time to become successful online. The WORST thing you can do is
give up after that 90 days and move on to something else. If you do this you will
end up losing your investment and have nothing to show for it.

So many people get excited when they come across an opportunity to make
some extra money.  They dive in head first and go wild at it.................then they hit some rough water and slow down. 
I like to call it the 14 Day Challenge. 
We're basically programmed in our every day jobs to collect a pay cheque every 2 weeks or twice a month. What happens with the 14 Day Challenge is that all of a sudden you've been working like mad and you haven't received any money. Things now begin to take on a
different outlook, like "is it ever going to happen," am I ever going to make any money?  So instead of dedicating a few hours into your business, you decide to watch a TV show, then you make some other excuses not to continue because you figure what the heck, it probably won't work anyway, it hasn't so far or you go looking for the next best thing hoping it'll work for you!  This really lacks the discipline required to stay on track.

Some will blame the program they're involved in.  Don't get me wrong, there are poor
programs and opportunities everywhere, but in most cases, it's not the program or
the opportunity, it's the person themselves.  I know ... it's happened to me in the
past as well, and it's sometimes easier to place blame and make excuses than it is
to forge ahead. 

Review what I said earlier "patience is the key".  Take your time, there is a learning curve to this just like anything.  You have to learn proper methods and techniques and apply them and apply them correctly.

~ An old Chinese proverb says ~

"Money grows on the tree of patience"

There are a lot of marketers who preach the benefits of an online business ... but they work 60+ hours a week!  90% of the time, they failed to set up their business properly to begin with.  If you don't think things through effectively you can become confused, and you never really have a plan. You don?t control your business, your market or your income -
they control you.

They start off with the wrong goals, so they make the wrong decisions. With a little
trial and error, you can learn Internet marketing on your own, just like I did but I
don?t necessarily recommend it, it's much more difficult to do.  By setting up your
business right, building it, growing it, working with other people to help you, it
can free yourself of daily work and worries...

If you consider that you have to learn a variety of techniques, then apply them correctly then you have to realize this will require dedicated & disciplined work. 

With some people they simply don't have a strong enough foundation to build an online
business. They lack the basic insight and knowledge required to succeed. They try to
run before they can walk, or start walking without knowing where they are going.
You must make the most of the time you spend on your business and be patient it will

Again don?t get me wrong. I am not trying to sound negative here. It's not impossible to make some decent money right from the beginning but most people have to go through that learning curve before they taste the rewards of success.  Time and time again people quit when they don't taste that success quickly.  If they had the patience and dedications to continue they would find that success was waiting just around the corner.

Another thing is you have to believe in yourself, it even goes further than believing in yourself. You need to believe in what you are doing.  By believing in yourself and what you're doing you will be less inclined to give up. In fact, if you know you're right, you'll never give up. Not every single thing you do online will be profitable. This is Guaranteed!  But by believing in yourself and if you consider that quitting is not an option you will look for, and find ways to succeed. You need to be comfortable that you are doing the right things for the right reasons. You have to be confident and project confidence to other people.

Those that invested in themselves and their future by starting slowly earning money
over time are the ones that succeed financially! They spent the money needed to get
started and even took a loss in the interim but in the end they came out ahead.
By doing this you are investing in your future.

Done properly you can create success one step at a time. This is not rocket science
and don't let this information overwhelm you, it's really quite simple as long as you don't get ahead of yourself.  Have the dedication, discipline and patience to move forward in the right direction at an effective pace to build your business.

Once you get the hang of everything, marketing a business online is an easy,
"rinse and repeat" process that frees you from having to "reinvent the wheel" on
every program. You?ll never be at a loss as to how to begin promoting a new program
and your business will seem to build effortlessly in so many ways.

So here's a quick review on what it takes to succeed:

Direction, dedication, discipline and patience....
Take time to learn and apply correct techniques....
Believe in yourself and what you're doing....
Have and project confidence....
Invest in your future....