Spammers be careful, the "report abuse" link is getting popular

Posted by Philippe Moisan
689 Pageviews
Yes, I put this blog in the Marketing Tips category.

After all, if one or more spammers takes my blog seriously, it will have served its purpose, i.e. help us serious members get better results with our campaigns.

Maybe some of you think only I and a few others click the "report abuse" link, that it's takes too long, that it's complicated process.

Here's a video that shows it takes 10 seconds to report an abuse.

I recommend that you come back to blogs where you put your filth.

You'll see that more and more members report you.

You'll think, "nah, nobody does it, there's no one mentioning it".

Well, I have news for you.

In the past few days, one of my friends has started commenting on blogs that he reports you.

Today, there was a blog from a member who expressed her frustration. That blog had at least 18 tops.

A few minutes ago, one of my good friends used the "report abuse" link for the first time.


Her PM telling me about it put a big wide smile on my face.

One more thing : sometimes, I report but don't say I did. Why waste time telling ? Most of the people who do it, I've sent PMs to them, they don't respond and continue their practice. They might change tactics, like post in a foreign language. Not good. It's against ApSense TOS.

I'm sure other people report of abuses but don't tell, whatever the reason. They don't have to tell, you know. Do you put on your status, "I will spam you" ?

Spammes, your days are numbered at ApSense. :D