One of the BIGGEST mistakes

Posted by James Bonham
4217 Pageviews
I see people making in Network Marketing is the VAST overlooking of where the REAL long term money comes from.

You see, most people get in network marketing and all they think about is: "I want money now!" They think that now - now - NOW is the time when they are supposed to create success... yet overlook how all the REAL money is made.

Honestly, if you're doing things right in this industry, then you will be making TONS of friends. You will be forming some of the best friendships of your life, you will LOVE the hordes of new people you're meeting, you will have an ever increasing network, and in the end game... you'll be making a Boat-Load of Money. That's what happens when you do things right in this industry.

I`ve made friends, formed business partnerships, and networked with people I can honestly say I now LOVE. And not just a few, there are a BUNCH of people that I've met online who I think are some of the greatest people I've ever been privileged to know. I cherish the FRIENDSHIPS more than the massive success we create by being business partners.

And if I was focused on just "money - money ? NOW!", I might have missed out on the true rewards our industry offers. It`s the power of teams and relationships that we`re talking about here, and ResidualQuik is the incredible business model for our industry that fosters and preserves these relationships for a lifetime. To find out more about how I do business stop buy one of our daily web presentation or contact me anytime.