Let them grow your own organic food for you!

Posted by Heidrun Peters
801 Pageviews
Here is something very interesting that I just found on a fellow APsense member's blog, Ginny Williams:

I wanted to share this immediately!

It is an awesome opportunity for everybody interested in Organic Food, especially Vegetarians and Vegans.

It is in pre-launch now and you can pre-register for "your own organic  acre". It will be situated on a farm in Oregon.

Read what they say:

"My Organic Acres is like nothing you've ever seen before.

You will lease and have access to your own 240/120 square foot Organic Garden 24/7 from the comfort of your own living room through the magic of the computer.

You will tell your own personal gardener what favorite products you wish to plant. The only thing you will miss is that pungent compost odor that wafts through your garden.

You will have an expert gardener assigned to till, plant, hoe, and harvest your crops for you.

You can then choose to sell all or a portion of your crops in our farmers market, have all or a portion of your crops shipped direct to your house for dinner or give all or a portion of your crops to feed the hungry.

All of this will be handled for you by the expert staff at Organic Acres. All of your crops will use only products certified as organic by the USDA and all of your crops will be guaranteed."

Read more and pre-register (no obligation):

My Organic Acres

Even if you will not get your own Organic Acre in the end, you can still do something good by telling as many people as you can about this great opportunity! (You even get paid for doing this.)

To our international APSense members:

"Unfortunately shipping produce outside the U.S. is not permissible but you certainly can participate in Organic Acres.

While you have the option of leasing a Full or Half Garden, anything you would grow in your garden would need to be sold to the community members through the Farmers Market here in the U.S.

At present your best options would be to join as a Free or Basic member.

You can earn commissions on anyone you'd bring into your community by giving them your Organic Acres link up to 5 levels deep as a Basic member & up, 1 level as a Free member."

I am really jealous on my US colleagues that they can have their own organic garden like this! (I am in Germany) I would jump on this if I were in the US!

My Organic Acres

PS. Since you are reading this you might also be interested in joining my new group Raw Vegan! You are very welcome.