I came to Apsense this morning and to complete my tasks I was asked to Comment on a Blog.

That is something I do everyday after perusing my Google Alerts on Blogs within in my Many Niches of Interest. I spend about 1/2 hour day commenting on relevant Blogs with quality comments. The cheapest way to build a list of Like minded persons, I know.

What an utter disappointment here at Apsense when I went to categories and pulled up a couple of Favorites and Found Useless Blog after Blog, totally irrelevant to the Category Topic.

If anyone practicing these ridiculous habits would like to LEARN HOW TO effectively Market On-line and generate QUALITY business relationships, contact me and I will Set up a FREE Webinar.

I left Apsense for a couple of years because of the incessant bombardment of specious Opportunities. I was please to see progress lately, but we all need to learn HOW TO utilize the Blog system

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