Gold - the new global currency...

Posted by Andriy Postovenskyy
926 Pageviews
Gold - the new global currency...
There was a time when gold was money. The world's major economies have experienced a rapid money supply growth of 10 % plus per annum in recent years, and it is not backed up by gold, as in 'the good old days'. But the yellow metal is returning as a store of value when everything else seems risky. Watch our 4 minute Intro Presentation

Why invest in gold?
Experts agree, gold will double in value over the next 10 years and they recommend that you invest between 5 and 20 % of your assets in gold. Gold from KB Edelmetall is attractive; it is certified and made in small units. You can have your gold stored in Switzerland, and immediately converted to money, if the need arises.Watch the Main Presentation now

Become a KB Partner
There are no fees, no monthly costs and no obligations to buy gold. To be a KB Partner is a great opportunity offered to you. I want to know more.