Forrest Gump Paramount Picture 1994

Aren't you fed up with ridiculous claims like the one below?

"We'll Build Your Downline For You and Pay You
$165 For Every $10 Co-op Ad Share That You Buy!"

Even Forrest Gump could do the math on this one.

They want you to spend $10.00 on an ad co-op but are going to pay you $165.00 for doing it.

Hello, is this thing on!

To ad insult to injury, this is from the same website only with the picture of someone that claims to be a marketing guru:

"Join Our Team of Winners That Stick Together and
Get Paid $16.50 For Every Dollar That You Spend!"

Am I missing something here. I mean why would they want you to spend $1.00 dollar if they are going to give you $16.50? It does not make sense.

Why not just give me $15.50, or $155.00 and call it even?

The garbage people fall for is amazing.

Do you want a real opportunity to make money, no BS, hype or hoax attached?

Just join Apsense Countdown as a contributor. You can join free upgrades are optional. Once you register upload a gift and then promote to get other contributors to join. When anyone that you bring into the event upgrades or
purchases one of the OTO's you make a commission. Simple no hype, *quid pro quo.

*quid pro quo: something for something; that which a party receives (or is promised) in return for something he does or gives or promises

But the real benefit for you as a contributor comes on December 13, 2010 when the event is opened to the public for them to get the free gifts. That is when your
opt-in list is going to explode.

I am no guru, nor do I profess to be, but I do know basic math and if you believe someone is going to give $165.00 if you invest $10.00 or that someone is going to give you $16.50 for every $1.00 you spend, then come on I have a bridge to sell you in
beautiful Downtown New York City.

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