If you don't try something, things will stay the same...

Posted by Jean Garrity
843 Pageviews
It's being called the great recession, unemployment rate is high and so is the underemployment rate.  It's no wonder why so many people are searching for something more...  I was one of these people who was tired of living paycheck to paycheck.  Working as a waitress mos tof my adult life, my money was spent as soon as I made it. I was sick and tired of being sick & tired!! I knew that there had to be a better way. I knew that there was something better, something real, something that works!!   In April of this year, my job closed it's doors permanently.  I was scared, what was i going to do to be able to still contribute to my family's income?? Now I am still not employed, well atleast outside of the home, I work fulltime from home! Helping people everyday to live a healthier more vibrant life, save money on everyday necessities, and helping people to do as I have done and create a reliable residual income to last a lifetime!, and I can will it to my children so they are set for life!!  It is an incedible journey, hard work, but the rewards are endless! I love what I do and look forward to helpng people everyday!  How can I help you? Do you need to save money? make more money? healthy living?  call for appt, and get the free details & then make your own decision, jean 717-435-9094