Show us you're serious about your business

Posted by Philippe Moisan
1635 Pageviews
No, I won't try to sell you anything here.

The title of the article is not misleading.

I write this because many times I see people do things in a hurry in their Internet Marketing endeavors.

Things like :

  • typos in your bio, for example "bbusiness"
  • writing testimonials without anything specific, like "great profile"
  • copy and paste comments
  • too many characters in a RevPage title, the last word is only partly there
I've seen all these examples in the last few hours here at APSense.

Some people said, "but I don't have time"

If you don't have time for me, why would I have time for you ?

Forget about making a lot of money in 24 hours. Or even in a month.

Every time you neglect an aspect of what you do to promote, it can only hurt your business in the long run. People won't want to stay as customers or business associates.

I'm not talking about typos in comments in articles or RevPages, of course. People expect that you write something interesting to learn more about you, but the article or RevPage in question was not done by you, so it's not as important.

I know, I know, for many people here, English is not your first language. Don't worry about it, it shows in what you write, and we know you're doing your best.

It's when I see something like, "come join my bbusiness" in a bio, that shows the person didn't reread it before saving.

I hope it helps.

Oh, and if you find mistakes in my English here, just to let you know, French is my first language. I will appreciate that you point out my mistakes so that I don't make them again. Thank you !