Don't forget to click on a tag when you enjoy an article at APSense

Posted by Philippe Moisan
1662 Pageviews
I see many new members comment positively on articles they like.

Please do click on one of the tags when you enjoy an article or find it very informative. It will give a "like" to the article. The tags are also for branding ourselves. If you want to be known for, let's say, environment, put tags about it, when it's relevant, of course.

You'll find the tags right above the comments section.

Here's what might  happen  if many people "like" an article :
  1. Other members will see in their network feed that you liked the article, some might come take a look, read it and top it too
  2. Some might bookmark it, share it in Twitter and FaceBook or other places using the "share it" tool
  3. One very interesting thing that might happen is having your article appear in the daily APSense email newsletter :) That would be way cool, right ?
So, please 2 seconds of your time and "like" the articles you enjoy !