I know you think I have lost my mind and how can one word help get traffic to my site - well it's a word that most don't even know about, maybe have heard but just don't know what it is or how to do it.

Ok, here is the Wikipedia definition of "Ping" Ping is a computer network admin utility used to test whether a particular host is reachable across an Internet Protocol (IP) network and to measure the round-trip time for packets sent from the local host to a destination computer, including the local host's own interfaces.

If you have a blog that you are posting to daily or weekly, then you need to be pinging your blog url - and you are wondering where you start - well here is where I started. Ping O Matic You just add your blog title, your blog url and your rss feed url and then I clicked all - then send ping and watch the magic.

Now you just let the search engines know that you are out here and that you have some info to share. In doing my research, I found this excellent lens on squidoo that I would like to share with you. http://www.squidoo.com/Ping-Tools

Everytime that you add a new post to your blog, don't forget to ping your site. This post will give you enough info to get started - to learn more just google free pinging, pinging your site, etc.

One more that I really like is Ping.fm/networks and the reason that I like this one so much is that you can add your social media and it will ping for you.

The best part that I like is that you can add skype in this also and then just add a message and it will send it out for you to the places you have on your network - pretty cool huh?

Ok, go get your homework done and let's get those site PINGED

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