How rude can you get?

Posted by Cheryl Baumgartner
1369 Pageviews
Okay I'm outspoken and blunt at times.  This is one of those times because yes I'm sure some feelings will be hurt.  Too bad.  If your feelings get hurt it's only because you are guilty.

All of us click on those campaigns to get credits.  View website means you go and view it and you cannot claim the credit unless you are there viewing it for a certain amount of time.  so the goal has been met.

We did have an add a back link campaign which was shut down to because of rude, dishonest and unethical people abusing it.  The rude, unethical and dishonest will always abuse whatever you put in front of them and the add comment campaign is no exception.  These people are running around dropping their links as comments.  yes that makes you rude, dishonest and unethical.

When someone creates an add comment campaign they pay for it with their credits to get feedback.  When you add a comment you get credits for providing that feedback.  Going to any blog and dropping your link is already rude, dishonest and unethical but when you do it in a campaign I see it as outright theft.

You come and dump a link with no intention of adding anything of worth to that thread just so you can pickup 8 credits for your garbage, when the next person may have added something worthwhile but you just STOLE that 8 credits from them.  If this is what you are doing then you can add thief to the list.  No one is creating add comment campaigns for you to steal credits.

I really wonder, with those who do this how they act with friends and family.  Do you go into their house and steal what is not tied down?  If they let you borrow their car do you take their license plate off and replace it with your own?  Theft is theft period.  It does not matter how small it is or how you accomplish it, it is still stealing.