How to manage your banner campaigs

Posted by Paula van Dun
1558 Pageviews

I use a portion of my credits in TE's for banners where I try to rotate as many as possible with my picture on it. Personal branding is very important; Remember: people buy from people, not from websites. If people signed up under you for something and they like it they will probably sign up faster when they see you face again on another offer. I alter or create the banners myself.

In order to get my banners clicked I change them from time to time in all the TE's I am a member off (dozens of them). This I can do in a few minutes.


I became a member of Intellibanners where you can create banner campaigns. For each campaign you have a special img url and a target url you can use in every TE. The sites in the campaigns are showed in rotation; you can assign weight to every individual banner or pause them. You can join for free. However free members can have a limited number of rotators and the rotators of free members display a percentage of the LMFTE network.

When you upgrade you can have more campaigns, you get more commission and your banners are also shown on big advertising networks. You can also track which banners got the most clicks. The monthly fee is about 10 bucks.

I can now add/edit all my banners is the banner campaigns I have on Intellibanners or I can create a new banner and save it in the same folder under the same name and publish. Last method I use for banners I created and branded myself. You will be amazed about the click trough rate from standard banners and self-made banners branded with a picture. Why? They sand out because they are different + people get curious if they see the same face everywhere (I also try do use branded splash pages as much as possible with the same picture).

If you need personalized graphics you may want to check out my graphic design service Webmiep Graphics

This service is very handy when promoting multiple programs. They way I use them is to set up rotators per catagory i.e. traffic exchanges or also for specific programs like my own traffic exchange surf-bar-traffic or a featured business partner.

I use the rotators in every TE or program where you can submit a banner. Only a few in external exchanges (my own programs and some business partners) and others in my TE or relevant pages on my own sites.

I need to change them, I am not a program hopper but I did occur a few times because the structure of the affiliate link chanced or the partnership was ended. Instead of changing banners on hundreds of sites I now only had to switch out a few banners in my rotators. It would have taken me weeks to do this manual, now I can do that in 20 minutes.

Definitely a good program for newbies. Because they will change a few times before the found programs that work for them in most cases.

Update: intellibanners recently got a make over. In the past you needed to calculate to divide the 100% evenly over all your banners. When the number of banners in a rotation changed you needed to recalculate and adjust all % 1 by one. With the recent update there is no more need for that. You simply adjust the bars. Divide even or give extra wait to some.

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