How to increase website traffic and how to achieve high search engine rankings on the natural search results pages of the major search engines like Google and Yahoo are one of the greatest challenges facing anyone with a website.

Although website traffic and SEO (search engine optimization) are  not synonymous terms, achieving large numbers of targeted website visitors on an automatic, free and sustained basis would be very difficult without SEO.

SEO simply means that your website and its reputation including the unique and authoritative nature of its contents  should be such that when people search for information relating to your site's content, YOUR website's link will come up on the first page of the search engine search results page. To achieve this, your keywords should perfectly match the search terms used by the people searching for your information, your website's content should provide quality and truly helpful information and your site should be viewed by the search engines as an authoritative site on the subject. The latter, namely how the search engines view the reputation of your site relates not only to your content, but also to other websites, especially reputable websites on the same subject, linking to YOUR site. Google especially will regard your website or web page in a favorable light if other authoritative websites link to your website or specific web page.

The aforementioned will result in a higher page rankings with the search engines, for example Google Pagerank, with the implication that your website's link should feature high up on the search results pages of the search engines.

The are many strategies and techniques to be implemented to optimize your website for search engine rankings and hence to achieve free and high numbers of targeted website visitors from the organic search engine results. As much as these techniques may sound scary, they are not difficult to implement. It is simply a process that needs to be implemented and many quality articles are available about website traffic and SEO strategies and techniques to help you ease your way into SEO and website traffic.   

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