Get me out of this cubicle!!!

Posted by Meghan
1338 Pageviews
I'll admit, I'm writing this blog in part because it's on my Daily Missions list. But I'm also writing it, because, frankly, I'm ready to claw myself out of this hole they call a cubicle.

I work in a real estate office. I'm not a Realtor. I'm not part of the company office staff. I am an independent contractor. This means, I get paid per task I complete. I complete paperwork, market, fix tech issues, run errands, etc. for seven Realtors. Sometimes I'm really busy. Sometimes I'm really slow, which, of course, can be stressful for someone whose livelihood depends on tasks completed.

I don't make a lot of money. Afterall, I'm in real estate during a recession, but I enjoy the work more than any other job I've had.

My cubicle shares a wall with a real estate team of 5 Realtors. They have two girls who do their administrative work like I do and a closing coordinator. But they're part of a whole different world - the "paid-per-hour" world.

Now, I don't want to toot my own horn, but I can definitely see a difference between the way we work. For thirty minutes now (yes, I'm counting), they have been talking about everything from shopping to clothing styles to mopping to tilework...

I know what you're thinking - "But she's not working. She's writing this blog post." You're right. I'm not working. I'm on my last task and waiting for a Realtor to bring me the stuff I need. That's my excuse.

Needless to say, it's not very motivating sitting next to a group of girls, who spend the better part of two hours of an 8 hour work day not working. I'm at work at 7am. I work about 8 hours and get paid for 6. Then, I go home and work on my internet marketing for a few more hours. And I don't have the luxury of being paid to chat...and I think many of you probably feel the same way I do about my money situation. 


So, here's to crawling out of your hole - if it's a cubicle, work truck, office desk, checkout booth....