Its time to wake up & smell the coffee general scam warning

Posted by Mark Hodgetts
1864 Pageviews

I've been in Internet Marketing for a long time.

I learned the hard way - there is no easy way.

HYIP, cash gifting, cyclers, doublers etcetera - they are designed to seperate you from your money or your time.

I've been active in Apsense for a little while and it distresses me to see some of the garbage that is being promoted by people who should know better, assuming that they are 18 and are of sound mind and body.

Lets cut to the chase

Paybox is a scam - pure and simple - the money isn't real - you are wasting your time.

This get $20 every week junk site that people are falling over themselves to promote is dangerous - don't believe me check out Dawie's blog post here 

Don't fool yourself that what you are doing and promoting is harmless and it's only a little bit of money.  If you promote something that is a scam you can go to jail.

If you don't believe me check out 12 Daily pro - just Google it - that was a case of the whole Internet Marketing community taking leave of their senses.  People lost their homes over that one.  Some people lost their freedom.

Their is good money to be made on the Internet - if you are prepared to work hard and build an online business.

Forget clicking for a few cents  and if I see another Ask Apsense question that says how can I earn more money here. I think I'll lose the rest of my hair.  This is not a PTC site - it is a legitimate online networking site - treat it as such and you will be rewarded - as you sow so shall you reap.

There is nothing new under the sun - money does not appear from nowhere.  Find a niche that needs filling, then find suitable products to sell it and build a real business.

I feel better now