There is money to be made online if one is ready to work for it. Everyone that comes online to do business needs a website. Everyone that comes online to start a club, association, blog, photo diary, etc. needs a website.

Hosting companies know this and the market is booming. Since that is the case these hosting companies pay very good commissions.

Ever hear about a free web hosting company? Of course you have they are all over the place. How do you think they are able to stay afloat? They can not survive and pay for their web server services just on the few cents they earn from Adsense. They make money on getting you to upgrade. I know, I ran a free web hosting company for a while. I did not have my own server to sell graded web services. What I did was join an affiliate program and made an arrangement with them so that I had an upgrade system right within my free hosting admin panel.

Once people have invested time and effort to set up a website, more than likely they are going to want to take it to the next level so you steer them to upgrade. And you as the affiliate earn a ton of cash. This is especially true when you consider that many of these hosting companies pay commission on multiple levels. So those the upgrade via your link and them themselves become affiliates you earn from their sales as well.

It's not rocket science but you do need a plan. To start out as an affiliate, here are some web hosting affiliate programs that I know have integrity and have been around for a while (no fly by night services here), are and how much the pay:

Hostgator has a good plan and affiliate program, their payments are as follows:

1-5 a month        $50    per sign up
6-10 a month        $75    per sign up
11-20 a month        $100    per sign up
21+ a month        $125    per sign up

Thinkhost pays $100.00 on any direct referral you make, and since it's multi tiered you'll earn from your referals as follows:

# referred/mo    $ earned
1-9                       $15
10-19                  $20
20-49                  $35
50-99                  $50
100+                   $65!!

 iPowerweb pays $115.00 for every new customer you refer

ePowHost pays $50.00 for every new customer you refer, multi tiered and they pay a $50 bonus if you have 5 or more sales in the current month!

 Lunarpages Pays 65.00 for every new customer you refer, and $5 2nd tier commissions

 There are many others, good ones. Before you decide to recommend a hosting company be sure you have all the facts. There are simple things you can do to protect your reputation. 1) Make sure anyone or anything you endorse is something you would use yourself. 2) Seach on your favorite search engine, google, yahoo, bing etc. to see if any affiliates are complaining about not being paid, or if customers are not satisfied. 3) Make sure the company is not fly by night, meaning that they have been around awhile. This one is simple, do a search on whois this will at least let you know how long their website has been around and when the domain name will expire. 4) If their sales page sound like a hokey get rich scam to you, it will sound like that to others.You know how they always say that the money is in the list? Well that only works if the people on that list trust you. If they do then they will buy on your recommendation. So don't ruin your reputation with unscrupulous companies. The internet is big but the power of the search engines is bigger. Your reputation once ruined is pretty much ruined for a long time.I hope this blog helps you in a small way. If it does, please let me know and top it.Thanks,

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