APSense Business Centers are another tool so use it

Posted by Cheryl Baumgartner
692 Pageviews
Today The missions included "rate a business center.  I used to surf through them quite regularly so today I spent a few minutes over there and I see nothing has changed.  I still see Business Centers that are nothing but a blank template (That gets a 1 which is the lowest rating I can give) with scores of 3 or 4.  Why would anyone give a score above zero for a Business center that has zero  content or effort is beyond me.

Then there are the 'one liners' One sentence which doesn't tell me a thing.  Okay you get a 2 for at least adding something to the template even if it is just a token effort.  The truth is It has been a very long time since I have seen a business center worth rating and that is a shame.

It's an even bigger shame that rating Business Centers is now a part of the daily missions and the things are sitting there naked and untended while people ignore them.  A good business center can catch the interest of others.  It can lead to sign ups and sales but only if you put the effort into adding content and making it interesting.