Spinning ? Why is it kept such a secret?

Posted by Peter Watson aka surgreen
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Spinning is important as it relates to article marketing especially regarding search engine rank optimisation. It is referred to often. It is assumed you and I all know exactly what it is and how it is an essential skill in this particular facet of internet marketing.

No doubt, as you look for ways to increase and improve the quality of traffic to your site, be it , a clunky hand coded HTML creation or some snazzy state of the art replicated site. Hosted on your own server or otherwise.

You will almost certainly have encountered the terms spinning and article in close relationship to each other. This is because they are an integral part of the need to spread your marketing efforts to a wide audience, without incurring the 'wrath' of the search engines. Please allow me some literary license as I attempt to, at least vaguely, personify these electronic impulses and intricate algorithms.

Early on into my sporadic forays into article marketing, I realised a certain difficulty I was encountering in getting truly started in this highly productive and essentially free marketing technique to improve search engine ranking for my site. I still did not actually know WHAT spinning was and WHY it was important. In fact, with the vastness of the internet marketplace and the ubiquity of those aforementioned electronic impulses and intricate algorithms, I would go so far as to say it is an essential facet of mass article marketing.

Call me stupid. Call me simple. Call me whatever you feel appropriate. I do, however, feel that I am not the only person online who has thought "...yeh yeah. I understand how article marketing can be hugely beneficial to my online business and I think I will have no insurmountable difficulties in applying it.... but ... WHAT is SPINNING!"

It was making my head, well, spin! (you just have to put up with the puns sometimes)

Here is the 'nuts & bolts' of just exactly what spinning is, as it relates to mass article marketing.

Spinning is where, by the placement of certain flags (characters assigned by the particular software being used) within the text of a fully formed article, the software is able to randomly assign word or phrase variations within designated areas of the article in question. The effect of this process is to randomise the appearance of the article without changing the intent or flow of the article. Duplicate articles can actually harm the search engine rank of your site.

The preceding sentence is, however, subject to several predications. The number and frequency of selected spun words or phrases will have an obvious effect upon the amount of diversifiction possible. Naturally, if too few words or phrases are spun, the variations possible will be similarly limited.

Regarding sensibility and readability of articles generated from spinning. This is fully dependent upon the quality of the spinning. The software itself makes no decisions. It merely shuffles available options within a fully defined and limited area of the text, the available options already being present from options previously entered.

Simple grammatical errors are easily generated, and replacement of words with simple synonyms can often turn sentences into gibberish or of uncertain meaning. Maybe there is software that can do this adequately. I do not know.

The human touch certainly increases the likelihood of the generated content being of high quality and capable of encouraging more of that lovely traffic swarming about the internet to visit YOUR site or sites!

Take care with your spinning to generate good traffic and hopefully make some friends along the way :)

spinReWriter on surgreen.biz