How To Use Social Media For Business

Social Media

I learned a great Deal From Kathy Stover of Internet Citadel
Here are some highlights

A Must For Business

One for Personal

One for Business

Benefits: Personal with fan page

Business: with Fan Page

Cannot use Ugly page background on a Page you can on the group

Group email blasts but not spamming

Linked to you your groups you website

What is it that you want

You need to project clarity and project knowledge

Linked in account

Fill out in it?s totally

Give you an opportunity to connect with others of like business or niche

You can ask the questions in the group. It is a good way to find like minded individual

Information with sites of confirmed information

Links you in with their contacts as well

You share what you are doing in business

Always give them more than they expect

If you don?t have the answer put the subject in Google search in quotes

Find a blog or article and post that blog as the answer with I found this great (blog /article) on ???

With URL.

Decide if you are providing them with a referral to your business or information include picture

Easy video producer video


Mask links

In utube good key words and make sure your information is correct and complete

Key words are vital

Connect Word Press Blog to

There are Benefits to Social Media

Automate several Social Media Sites to save time and get more done.

Schedule times for a break it decreases the stress and increases your creativity.

Take Time For Yourself

Internet Cidital show

Check Back to see what I get done with these Programs I will update on reviews of

These free Design Tools

Posted by Sue Kelly

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