Anyone besides me want to SCREAM??? My Rant 4 the Day

Posted by Cindy Bolley
1053 Pageviews
OK, I will tell you right off this is going to be a rant!!!!!

I have tried to be patient.. really I have BUT.... ENOUGH!!

I clicked on the +Create a Blog link and I started typing this.
For this particular post I am going to rant....

Why is it that when most people click the +Create a BLOG
They just shove links at me.
Many do not even check to see if it posted correctly.
Some are so over run with HUGE red letters
your not even able to read it... not that I would want to 
Many are nothing but LINKS 
Pitch pages.

You know I don't even know you why  I want to join you, Your marketing methods are just so UNCOOTH!!.  I always like that word.
Gosh I think I sound like a real  BITCH here but  boy oh boy every day it gets
harder and harder to find actual posts that are able to be commented on.

I have a dozen names that when I see they have posted I won't give
a thought to going there... Nothing but a copy and paste job about something
with a whole bunch of links just thrown into the sentence.
The links and the topic have NOTHING to do with each other.
Now I ask  
Who would TOP that? 
Topping a post lets others know that this is something that should be read.

APSense is a wonderful place  the spiders love it.
They crawl all over it.
Please don't make it so that is it a place for SPAM!!

Rather than posting a copy and paste about what you do why not tell us about it
Tell us what you like about it.
How it works, how long you have been in it.
There is no rush.... post a bit each day   HHCTB?
Let me get to know YOU and your business.
This Ole Gal my just want to know more about you and your business

I am sure that the people who really need to see this WILL NOT.

Maybe I am just having an OFF DAY....
Anyone have an opinion on this subject  or am I really just that mean Ole Bitch as my husband calls?

Keep moving forward,