Desinging your own computure wallpaper
Have you ever wanted your own unique background for your computer or just plain bored with the choices your computer gives you to choose from. I was too so being bored one day I decided to play around a little and found a cool way of designing your own wallpaper without having to buy any extra software either.
Step1 most of us have a collection of our personal pictures downloaded on our computer. To make a collage of a few of your favorites it?s really easy to do. First begin by opening up the paint application from your start menu after that is opened you want to open your pictures folder.
Step2 in the paint application you will on the left hand side tools that look like an eraser, pencil, ect. Look at the top of that where you will 2 dotted line boxes click on the one that looks like a square then go onto the drawing pad and start in the corner and form a square.
Step3 next go into your pictures and choose on your first click on it and then with the right hand side of the mouse click copy, then go back to paint and paste it. Once you have pasted it you can resize it how you want to add more just simply repeat this step until you have it the way you want it you can add as many or as few as you want.
Step 4 when your finished with it make sure to save it and it should be saved in your picture folder (which should do automatically) then to put in on your computer go into your control panel to display settings when you get to where you can choose your wallpaper there should be to options a browse tab or an option to choose the ones already there. You need to click on the browse tab then go to pictures and click on the collage that you just made.
A useful tip when you add another picture it will go over your first one but don?t panic it?s an easy fix. Go back to the left hand side to where the tools are and click on the dotted box then outline the picture and you will be able to move it where you want without it affecting the original picture you will need to do this to everyone you put on there.
Another tip you might want to try is when you get ready to set it as your wallpaper click on where it says how should the picture be positioned choose the one that has the mirrored effect. Of course you don?t have to it?s just a suggestion if you want more of a collage look.