It seems like there are a ton of internet providers on the market has several different options as far as payment is concern. You can either choose unlimited for 14.95 you get the first month free with this pricing option.  With this option you can do everything that you do now, email, chat, search. The other pricing plan for 9.95 is limited meaning basically you get email service.  NetZero also has broadband available as well so you don?t want to use dialup you may have that option to choose broadband. When you?re at the homepage you need to go to the section where it says dsl/broadband and you need to enter your phone number the reason for this is so they can check to see if this option is available in your area. NetZero also offers video email and chat you have to have a webcam to use it. NetZero also allows you to create several email accounts. Another service provider is called they offer both dial up and dsl. Their pricing is anywhere from about 6 dollars to 15 dollars. You get unlimited access they also give you the option of keep your AOL email account. Peoplepc offers popup blockers and spam controls. Peoplepc also has the option of being able to sign up for their services by phone.  Both providers are good and in most cases their pricing plans are under 20 dollars a month. It really all depends upon your needs and your personal preference as to which one to choose.  When using dsl they way this works are that you will need a special box and then you will connect your phone line to the box and then your computer. When using dsl it allows you to be on the computer and not tie up your phone line. As I was researching these providers I did notice that with NetZero there?s option for cell phones since I know that cell phones are becoming ever more popular and land line phones are almost absolute. You will have to check with NetZero further and you may need to call the customer service line to find out more about this option because there was not a whole of information other than noting about check your cell phone provider. However this may be an option to check into more and more of the newer cell phones are offering internet applications on your cell phones.

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