I Fell Off The Wagon WITHIN a Week

Posted by Cindy Bolley
731 Pageviews
Ok Ok I told you I was not going to buy anything for the whole month of April for my online business. I told you I had taken inventory and a was just going to use what I already had....
Well I fell of the wagon before the first week was over.
BUT...I got it for a 21 day trial for a buck.
Now that has to count for something doesn't it?
Well.... doesn't it?  In my mind it does and that is what matters.
Anyway, let me tell you about this little tool. It is a list builder. We all know how important it is to build our lists.
It is called ASK database
Your able to create a survey from the template that they offer. The idea is to ASK a question. Then give a couple of different answers to choose from. Depending on what you want your people to do you can have each answer directed to the same place or to a different place... your choice.
But no matter where you send them you are building your list because you have captured their email address. The idea is to have different campaigns going for different niche products. Your also able to send them follow-up emails.
What makes this list builder different from the others is that it puts the peoples emails into different categories. Your able to determine what each persons interest is by the way they answer the question that you ASKed.
Your not only building a list but your building a targeted list for each niche market. Your able to send offers to each list knowing that what your offering is of interest to THEM.
How cool is that?

I have made arrangements for you to try it for a buck for 21 days too.

Let me try it for a BUCK!!
