Top Of The Line Cigars
Whether you"��re a tried and true cigar aficionado or just beginning to discover the world and craft of cigar smoking, a truly high-end product can make or break a burgeoning appreciation. Like wine, there are hundreds of varieties and brands of cigars on the market, and wide variations in quality to match. Take a few moments to read through the following tips for choosing a great cigar followed by a few examples of exceptional top of the line products.
Rocky Patel Rosado Torpedo
An exceptionally complex yet reasonably priced cigar, Rocky Patel Rosado Torpedoes are time-honored classic, crafted carefully with a blend of South American tobaccos. Making up the bulk of its subtly sweet and spicy taste, Rocky Patels are filled with aged Nicaraguan long filler tobacco blended with smoother, milder Dominican long filler.
The binder is Dominican as well, and the balanced, full-bodied flavor is finished off with a beautiful Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper, grown in dappled and filtered sunlight to attain its Rosado characteristics and aged for seven years to perfection. This particular variety enjoys plenty of high praise from critics and buyers alike"�"an excellent way to rate new cigars when buying online and taking a good whiff isn"��t usually an option.
Joya De Nic Antano 1970 Robusto Grando
Another critic"��s darling, the Antano (meaning "��yesteryear"�� in Spanish) 1970 Robusto Grando series is Joya De Nicaragua"��s tribute and re-imagining of their own delicious and well-balanced blend that was so popular in the 1970"��s. Featuring all-Nacaraguan tobaccos, this exhilarating cigar features a fine-crafted blend of Ligero filler leaves with a super dark and thick wrapper, delivering a truly smooth and flavorful smoke. Great for unwinding for an hour or so of blissful puffing and equally fitting for special occasions, this fantastic throwback combines classic flavors with time-tested technique to deliver an exceptional cigar.
Olde World Reserve Robusto
For yet another step up the line to the truly luxurious level, consider trying your hand at Olde World Reserve"��s exceptional Robusto cigar. These well-packed and box pressed specimens are extra firm but offer a shockingly easy draw. Filled with aged Honduran and Nicaraguan tobaccos, Robustos contain their proprietary blend with maduro Corojo wrappers.
It"��s a marriage that yields a creamy, thick smoke and complex yet satisfying caramelized flavors with a hint of spiciness at the end. A hallmark offering from a company with a reputation for quality, Olde World Reserve Robustos demand respect and are suitable to mark the most special occasions.
Camacho Triple Maduro 50/4.5
If you"��ve got a penchant for the truly special things in life, then Camacho"��s special offering, the Triple Maduro 50/4.5 may be just the indulgence you"��ve been searching for. The Triple Maduro is a truly powerful cigar, filled and wrapped with the darkest of tobaccos, creating a thick white smoke and a bold aroma and flavor with hints of chocolate and coffee.
Despite its power, however, the flavor is never bitter or overpowering. A special production with only 300,000 produced at its introduction in 2007, Camcho"��s Triple Maduro 50/4.5 is about as special as a cigar can get. Order yours now and experience the true joy of smoking a great cigar.
Indian Tabac Super Fuerte Robusto
To stray from the ranks of uber-specialized cigars for a moment, Indian Tabac Super Fuerte Robustos represent a solid buy with time-honored quality and flavor to satisfy even the most finicky of aficionados on an occasional basis. These box pressed offerings feature a finely blended filler of Costa Rican, Nicaraguan and Honduran tobaccos, each aged carefully for four years.
All Indian Tabac Super Fuerte Robustos feature Nicaraguan binders but are available wrapped in either Honduran Corojo-seed natural or Costa Rican-grown Maduro wrappers. This fascinating blend results in an especially smooth, balanced and nutty flavor and aromatic smoke.
Alec Bradley MAXX The Fix
For true cigar lovers in need of a quick fix, look no further than the cigar that offers just that with its namesake, the Alec Bradley MAXX The Fix. With its formidable 58 ring size, The Fix delivers a big punch of finely balanced and rich, flavorful tobaccos, featuring fine filler leaves from Colombia, Nicaragua, Mexico, Honduras and Costa Rica.
To finish off this beauty, a maduro Nicaraguan Habano wrapper teeming with delicious oils provides that extra punch of flavor connoisseurs appreciate without a bite. Get your fix in a decidedly high-class fashion with The Fix now.
One of the finer indulgences in life, top of the line cigars stand miles above their lower-end counterparts. With their rich, complex flavors owing to carefully monitored aging, blending and selection processes, great cigars can make the world seem to melt away at the end of a rough day or can provide that extra special touch on a happy occasion or celebration. Treat yourself today and order up a flight of fine cigars now.
Rocky Patel Rosado Torpedo
An exceptionally complex yet reasonably priced cigar, Rocky Patel Rosado Torpedoes are time-honored classic, crafted carefully with a blend of South American tobaccos. Making up the bulk of its subtly sweet and spicy taste, Rocky Patels are filled with aged Nicaraguan long filler tobacco blended with smoother, milder Dominican long filler.
The binder is Dominican as well, and the balanced, full-bodied flavor is finished off with a beautiful Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper, grown in dappled and filtered sunlight to attain its Rosado characteristics and aged for seven years to perfection. This particular variety enjoys plenty of high praise from critics and buyers alike"�"an excellent way to rate new cigars when buying online and taking a good whiff isn"��t usually an option.
Joya De Nic Antano 1970 Robusto Grando
Another critic"��s darling, the Antano (meaning "��yesteryear"�� in Spanish) 1970 Robusto Grando series is Joya De Nicaragua"��s tribute and re-imagining of their own delicious and well-balanced blend that was so popular in the 1970"��s. Featuring all-Nacaraguan tobaccos, this exhilarating cigar features a fine-crafted blend of Ligero filler leaves with a super dark and thick wrapper, delivering a truly smooth and flavorful smoke. Great for unwinding for an hour or so of blissful puffing and equally fitting for special occasions, this fantastic throwback combines classic flavors with time-tested technique to deliver an exceptional cigar.
Olde World Reserve Robusto
For yet another step up the line to the truly luxurious level, consider trying your hand at Olde World Reserve"��s exceptional Robusto cigar. These well-packed and box pressed specimens are extra firm but offer a shockingly easy draw. Filled with aged Honduran and Nicaraguan tobaccos, Robustos contain their proprietary blend with maduro Corojo wrappers.
It"��s a marriage that yields a creamy, thick smoke and complex yet satisfying caramelized flavors with a hint of spiciness at the end. A hallmark offering from a company with a reputation for quality, Olde World Reserve Robustos demand respect and are suitable to mark the most special occasions.
Camacho Triple Maduro 50/4.5
If you"��ve got a penchant for the truly special things in life, then Camacho"��s special offering, the Triple Maduro 50/4.5 may be just the indulgence you"��ve been searching for. The Triple Maduro is a truly powerful cigar, filled and wrapped with the darkest of tobaccos, creating a thick white smoke and a bold aroma and flavor with hints of chocolate and coffee.
Despite its power, however, the flavor is never bitter or overpowering. A special production with only 300,000 produced at its introduction in 2007, Camcho"��s Triple Maduro 50/4.5 is about as special as a cigar can get. Order yours now and experience the true joy of smoking a great cigar.
Indian Tabac Super Fuerte Robusto
To stray from the ranks of uber-specialized cigars for a moment, Indian Tabac Super Fuerte Robustos represent a solid buy with time-honored quality and flavor to satisfy even the most finicky of aficionados on an occasional basis. These box pressed offerings feature a finely blended filler of Costa Rican, Nicaraguan and Honduran tobaccos, each aged carefully for four years.
All Indian Tabac Super Fuerte Robustos feature Nicaraguan binders but are available wrapped in either Honduran Corojo-seed natural or Costa Rican-grown Maduro wrappers. This fascinating blend results in an especially smooth, balanced and nutty flavor and aromatic smoke.
Alec Bradley MAXX The Fix
For true cigar lovers in need of a quick fix, look no further than the cigar that offers just that with its namesake, the Alec Bradley MAXX The Fix. With its formidable 58 ring size, The Fix delivers a big punch of finely balanced and rich, flavorful tobaccos, featuring fine filler leaves from Colombia, Nicaragua, Mexico, Honduras and Costa Rica.
To finish off this beauty, a maduro Nicaraguan Habano wrapper teeming with delicious oils provides that extra punch of flavor connoisseurs appreciate without a bite. Get your fix in a decidedly high-class fashion with The Fix now.
One of the finer indulgences in life, top of the line cigars stand miles above their lower-end counterparts. With their rich, complex flavors owing to carefully monitored aging, blending and selection processes, great cigars can make the world seem to melt away at the end of a rough day or can provide that extra special touch on a happy occasion or celebration. Treat yourself today and order up a flight of fine cigars now.
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