Here are six alternative techniques to use on outside wall corners:

1 - Butt Similar Stones Against Each Other at Corners: The lack of outside corner molds should not really present much of a problem for most customers and commercial producers of stone once they decide to use one of the alternative methods proposed here. Our simple instructions suggest that you pretty much do what professional stone masons do--- butt similar stones up against each other at corners. Depending on the stone style, place them right ON the corners as they come out of the mold. This is what many professionals do when installing a real natural stone like a River Rock. Some other stone styles are thick enough to be able to do that with as well, and without any cutting at all. In the case of brick installations, it's even simpler. Since the color and material are integral in concrete tile and brick, it is really difficult to see any difference at the juncture. This is the least expensive way to go. You may want to consider rounding the corner with a file slightly to hide it even further from plain sight.

2.- The Picture Frame Method - Cut the Stone, Tile, or Brick Veneer at a 45 Degree Angle and Join: The best method for most styles of stone being installed where detection is likely, is to lay a piece of the veneer on its side, and cut it at a forty-five degree angle, as you would a picture frame. An inexpensive composite masonry blade can be used in a standard circular saw to accomplish this. Be sure to wear eye protection and other protections as cutting stone and bricks will result in a lot of dust. An appropriate face mask is suggested to prevent breathing the dust created during cutting. To install, join the two angles at the corners... again, as you would a picture frame. Rub some colored mortar into the tiny crack where the two pieces meet. It will be very difficult to find the joint - even close up. If you look at many one-piece corner veneers very closely, you can usually still tell that they are a veneer, since the corners are normally poured in two phases. One side is poured with concrete, laid down to set up, and once set the other side is poured joining the first side. There's usually a very thin line where the two sides meet, no matter what you do. This is the second least expensive way to go.

3 - DIY Corner Mold - Make a Corner Mold Yourself for Your Installation: There are many companies on the Internet that sell products to make poured or build-up rubber molds. The first method consists of a two-part silicone rubber mix that is poured over the master to duplicate and make a mold. The second method involves using a liquid ammonia-based latex rubber that is brushed over the original in layers. It is left to dry and then additional coats are applied to build up a thicker rubber mold. These are very pliable, and usually require a backing to help hold the original form and shape of the mold during pouring the concrete. Complete instructions are available from most suppliers, and there are videos on YouTube as well. This method is great if you have time, patience, and a bit of talent. The rubber is still fairly expensive, and may only make sense for larger projects. These are the methods used to make the expensive molds that may be available at retail for making corner stones and bricks.

4 - Purchase Manufactured Stone, Tile, or Brick Corner Pieces from a Distributor: Depending on the size of your project, or more importantly, how many outside corners you need to cover, this alternative may be your best choice. Once you figure out about how many corners you will need, you can purchase them already made from a distributer. You can then contact your mold supplier that you plan to purchase your flat molds from and get assistance matching the colors to the corner pieces you've just purchased. You can then make the flat pieces of stone, brick or tile for a fraction of what the same pieces would have cost you to purchase. It is a good compromise if you feel you must have cut-out corner pieces for your outside corners.

5 - Purchase Corner Molds to Make Stone, Bricks, or Tile Along with the Flat Molds. This may not make financial sense for most homeowners and do-it-yourselfers unless they are doing a very large project, or plan to go into business making these concrete pieces for other homeowners, do-it-yourselfers, and trades people to purchase. At around $75.00 or more each, one could end up spending a lot of money on molds that could possibly get very little use.

6 - A New Concept - LEASE A MOLD is being introduced soon by one of the key concrete stone mold companies. This may be an option for the perfectionist who wants to make his own outside corner stones with molds to match his flat stones. This will work fine unless they need to make thousands of the exact same corner stones. According to the preliminary information released, the program has not been finalized yet, but is close to being introduced. Basically, the company will lend a set of corner molds to their customers for a time use fee. This fee would be much less than if the customer purchased the rubber corner molds outright, unless they go beyond the agreed amount of rental time. The customer is only charged for the time they are using the molds... up to a maximum of course.

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