Wow! It's the beginning of March already and spring is just around the corner. I can only imagine how eager you Easterners must be to leave those snow days behind.

Aren't you ready to shake off those cobwebs, and grab on tightly to the first signs of spring?

Spring is a time for renewal, a time for recharging, and time to start planning your summer home renovation project.

Isn't it exciting?

Whether it's that fabulous gourmet kitchen and family room you've been dreaming about, the outdated master bathroom you've been putting off, or the new bedroom addition you desperately need (and have always wanted), spring is for planning and summer is for building. So don't get ahead of yourself just yet! Make sure to take your time in the planning process. Really focus on what you want and how you want to get it. Envision it. Talk about it. Feel it. Live it. Breathe it. Really get into it here. Now's the time! Remember? Spring is for planning and summer is for building.

A good practice is to walk around your house with note pad and pen in hand and start working on a list of improvements your home needs and some others you want. Don't be afraid to dream big! Now's the time for just that. Leave no stone unturned! (Tip: this is also a great time to look for the bigger spring cleaning jobs - from cleaning the blinds to pressure washing the patio - UGH!) Factor in a budget for each and decide if you'll need a general contractor to oversee your project or do you plan on taking on the G.C. role yourself?

Many DIY contractors feel they will save a considerable amount of cash by overseeing the entire project themselves. Truth be told, if this is your maiden voyage, your lack of experience and any errors you make along the way could realistically only save you 10 to 15% of your overall construction costs.

If your job is small and only requires the organization of two or three different sub trades then it may pay to take on the job. Providing you have a solid relationship with a few of these specialists then this may be the best type of DIY contracting for you.

So you have to ask yourself: "Do I have what it takes to be my own general contractor?" And more importantly, is it worth it?

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