Alcohol and acne have been linked together for quite a very long time now. There are some studies and researches that suggest a positive relationship between the 2 pronouncing that alcohol can assist in healing acne. On the other hand, some against this reports confirm that alcohol could be the cause for complicated skin. Let us find the truth by understanding the connection between the 2.

Going by the findings of one or two studies, alcohol can be a potential cause to troublesome skin. People who indulge in excessive consumption of alcohol are more prone to acne than those who do not drink alcohol in any way. This is because consumption of alcohol has without delay been connected with the level of testosterone and estrogen in the body.

Dermatologists around the globe accept that testosterone hormone leads the sebaceous glands to provide more sebum. So there is direct relation in the two - more testosterone means more sebum. Sebum tends to choke the skin pores and in turn leads to acne. So you can derive that more alcohol in human body means higher chance of acne attack.

Another observation states that intake of alcohol leads to elevation in stress. This stress therefore starts a hormonal imbalance in the body. When the hormonal balance is thrown off guard, it leads to acne. So it wouldn't be not right to opine that alcohol is a potential cause for acne. So it is suggested to keep a watch on your alcohol consumption.

In the favor of alcohol, it could be said that only unseemly consumption of alcohol will lead to further cases of acne and if exploited in controlled quantities, alcohol may limit acne to a certain quantity. When used topically, alcohol may deliver matching results as any acid would. It can clean the skin and open up skin pores.

To add on, alcohol has antibacterial properties as well. It destroys the causative organisms and also bounds their expansion. Rubbing alcohol can control pimples and zits to quite an extent. But without reference to all this, alcohol can't be taken as a total solution to acne.

The reason behind this is that alcohol is not effective against the root cause of acne. Acne majorly occurs because of the skin pores. Alcohol doesn't solve this problem of acne in any of the ways. Moreover application of alcohol on the pimples has many side-effects. Some of the common complications of using alcohol are redness, swelling, skin irritation, inflammation, itching and lots more.

It is recommended to circumvent the usage of alcohol as a cure to your acne. Instead make use of other treatments for acne treatments available. One treatment that offers complete relief from your skin problem of acne is Exposed skin-care System. The product is renowned for its efficiency against acne and is thus moderately preferred. Similarly the product is free of any side effects. You need to go through the product report of Exposed to know more on the product.

It is best to steer clear of the risks inherent in acne for alcohol treatment so stay clear of it.

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