A girl"��s worst nightmare would be acnes appearing on her face. Acnes are very common on the face of teenagers, irrespective of boys and girls. This can be due to various factors like hormonal changes, eating new foods, and even dirt. But whatever may be the reason, don"��t worry. There are treatments for this skin condition. But it would be effective it you identify the reason for the out burst of these acnes.
In some people, the oil secretion or the sebum secretion from the sebaceous glands is in excess. As a result of this, the skin will be oily and this traps lot of dirt in the pores of the skin. These dirt particles, in turn, block the gland"��s duct openings and the oil gets trapped in the inner layers of the skin. This gets inflamed and appears as acnes on the face. So those who have oily skin must wash their faces often to get rid of the dirt particles.
Washing the skin is perhaps the first way to prevent the appearance of acnes. When you wash your skin, the oil, dirt particles, and dead skin get removed from the surface of your skin. This keeps the duct openings unblocked. Over washing of the face also is not good as it dries the skin. It is always good if you know when to wash your face. After having a hot meal, sweating, travelling, or even after work is the ideal time to wash your face. This removes the dirt instantly before it gets settled into the pores. You can also use a mild cleanser for the purpose. The cleansers help in opening the pores so that the particles come out easily. And when you wash off the foam with cold running water, the pores close instantly leaving no chance for any particles to enter.
Eating healthy is another good way to reduce the acnes. The good foods like fruit, vegetables, and greens give your body the required minerals, nutrients, and vitamins. Sometimes deficiencies of these elements can lead to the unwanted skin conditions. When you body is healthy and active, your skin also remains fresh and healthy.
If you already have acnes, washing your face and eating healthy foods prevent new ones from popping out. For the existing ones you can try the drugs or creams available. All creams and drugs are not suitable for all skin types. Some might be effective, while some might not be. And never try to break your acne by squeezing it or inserting pointed tips into it. This can worsen the acne and make it more infected.
Even after following all these tips if your acnes keep reappearing, you may need the help of a dermatologist. The dermatologist will be able to provide you prescriptions which will get rid of your acnes. If the prescription is an antibiotic you may have to take it for a longer period to cure it from the root. After all nobody would like to have acne on their face. So prevention is better than cure.

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