Things You Need For Business Success

Posted by Nina Nestoroff
777 Pageviews

The first thing you need is an autoresponder.  There are any number of autoresponders out there.  My choice is TrafficWave.

Here's why... most autoresponders charge you more, the more your list grows.  TrafficWave is only $17.95 monthly, no matter how large your list grows.  No matter how many campaigns, no matter how many subscribers, no matter how many messages, no matter how many capture pages, no matter, no matter, no price...$17.95.

The other really neat thing about TrafficWave is the affiliate program.  Most of the other autoresponders have affiliate programs that pay from 1 - 3 levels.  TrafficWave pays 10...count 'em TEN...levels.

So, it's not only a tool you need to effectively run a business, but it acts as another income stream.

With TrafficWave, we have training webinars and videos.  And even better, I provide real time support and training.

Heres's my link to learn more:

I'll share some other tools that I find useful as we go along.

Go forth and prosper...