Its truly good to give out of your abundance. It can give you great joy and increase your giving spirit. And just in case you aren't aware of how things work right here on planet earth - when you give out of your abundance, the law of 10 fold returns applies. That is, when you give - you claim a 10 fold return, knowing that it will come back to you - and abundance will flow back into your life. Try it :)

Today is my birthday, and I have just one desire. I desire that more children in need across the USA would have full bellies, and healthy minds. I desire that they would recieve the donations of the ViSalus Community Challenge through their local foodbanks. That their parents would have a healthy, nutrition loaded shake to give them each day that has everything their beautifully designed minds need to develope properly. That those same children would grow into the greatness they are meant to be - and ultimately - give out of their abundance!

When you donate $24 out of your abundance through the ViSalus Community Challenge, you provide 30 meals for children in need in the USA. ViSalus will then match your donation and give another 30 meals - so in fact, your $24 donation will give 60 meals to children in need!

All across our country, food banks are in desperate need for donations to feed the growing numbers of hungry people. As the unemployment rate exceeds 10% nationwide, more and more children go without a decent meal - and many are starving for protein. Protein is needed for growth, intellectual development and a healthy immune system. The children who are going hungry are not only suffering now, they are bound to experience the long term results of a protein deficiency - stunted growth, decrease in mental function and a lifetime of health problems.

Why would I bring this to your attention, and on my birthday?

Because each and every morning I give thanks for the ability to feed my children a healthy, substantial meal before they head off to school. I pray for those who go without ~ and I am moved to help them.

The ViSalus Community Challenge has a goal to feed 100,000 meals by the end of 2009. On this day, I would hope that my wide internet reach will help to reach this goal. If you would find it in your heart to give, out of your abundance, you would be part of a movement to eradicate hunger right here, in our own cities and towns across the USA.

By sharing this post through a retweet on Twitter or a Facebook share, you will be participating in a model of charitable giving that that has never been available to us before social media.

Retweet on Twitter :
Click on the green 'tweetmeme' button on the top right of this post, or copy and paste this into your status:

My Birthday Gift? Share thru RT, and Feed Hungry Kids!

Share on Facebook :
You can find my post on my profile wall and share that, or post this to your wall:

The Social Media Birthday Giving Challenge : Please Share, to Feed Hungry Kids in the USA!

The more of us who post, retweet, and share this message of giving out of our abundance- the more meals will be provided to children in need.

So please, don't give me a facebook virtual gift - instead, give me a gift by donating to the cause, posting that link to your wall, using to share and tweeting my birthday wish :)

When you do, you will be participating in a movement to truly impact children!

prod_medium_charityLOS ANGELES, CA ? November 18th, 2009 ? ViSalus Sciences has made another step towards bringing
its mission of Prosperity to families in need. From Fusion Academy, a ViSalus national convention in Tampa, Florida, CEO Ryan Blair announced a new initiative that will leverage the company?s Vi-Shape? Nutritional Shake Mix to provide, healthy nutrition to children from coast to coast.
The Body by Vi? Community Challenge has set a goal of donating 100,000 children?s meals through a network of local Distributors working with charitable organizations in their communities. For as little as 50 cents per meal, ViSalus Distributors and Customers can make a donation to be matched meal for meal by ViSalus.

The Challenge was given a head start towards this goal by Co-Founders Ryan Blair, Nick Sarnicola, and Blake Mallen, who together pledged the first 15,000 meals on stage today.
?Our company is founded in name and spirit on the pillars of Life, Health, and Prosperity,? said ViSalus Chief Marketing Officer Blake Mallen. ?To us, Prosperity is about much more than financial freedom; it?s about the ability to give back to the people and causes that touch your heart.?

Chief Sales Officer Nick Sarnicola is humbled to have an opportunity to combine the benefits of
ViSalus products with the giving spirit of the ViSalus community. ?To have great products is one thing,?
said Sarnicola. ?To have a great product that children can benefit from and enjoy is another. For our
community to make this product available for free to the children who need it most is the ultimate
form of contribution we can achieve.?

ViSalus Founder Ryan Blair was inspired to take this cause to the masses after a recent trip to Jamaica
showed him what a difference the ViSalus community could make. ?There are too many children in this
world who don?t have a fighting chance because they simply don?t have the means to get the nutrition
their bodies need each day. To succeed at school, on the athletic field, or simply to grow up to be
healthy, nothing is more important than nutrition, and I hope the children of the world know we don?t
plan on stopping at 100,000 meals,? said Blair.

-- Press Release?

About ViSalus Sciences?
ViSalus Sciences?, with headquarters in Troy, Michigan and Los Angeles, CA, is a leading Weight
Management and Nutritional Supplement maker utilizing the direct selling channel to distribute its
products. ViSalus is the company behind the Body by Vi? Challenge, a health transformation program
helping people achieve their weight loss and fitness goals for a chance to win over $100,000 per year
in total prizes.

Originally posted at : My Birthday Gift? Use Social Media to Share, and Feed Hungry Kids!

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