Crystal Herbs
Crystal Herbs Flower Essence Shop
Angel Essences ,Each of the essences in this set of twenty Angel Essences creates a bridge between your everyday world and that of the Angelic Realms, linking you into their web of light and higher consciousness. The Angels will work with you through their essence to help you bring the positive qualities that they embody deeper into your awareness, bringing transformation and higher awareness. Call on them for inspiration, illumination and guidance as you take these beautiful essences.
Chakra Essences,,This powerful set of combinations offers you the opportunity to work at a deep level with the issues and patterns of each of the chakras that most affect our physical, mental and emotional well being. The ten combinations in this set each contain a carefully selected mixture of flower, gem & crystal essences designed to open and balance each chakra as well as working with the issues that are most predominantly held within it.
Bach Flower Essences,,Bach Flower Remedies are a wonderful resource that can help everyone to achieve greater balance and harmony in their lives in a simple, natural & effective way.
Karmic Flower Essences,The Karmic Essences are a powerful set of essences that can help to open the inner doorways and take you straight to the heart of an issue, promoting a swift release of any unconscious belief pattern that is holding you back.
Archangel & Ascended Master,Each of the essences in this set is vibrationally attuned to the consciousness of a particular Archangel or Ascended Master. Like doorways into a higher dimension these essences will help you to link more easily with the web of light and higher consciousness of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Use them as a point of focus to ask for inspiration, help and guidance to unfold your own spiritual journey
Rose Collection Essences,The Rose Essences and Rose Combinations in this set have each been chosen for their ability to help us release all that is not love within our hearts. The consciousness of the heart is one of balance and unity and brings the gifts of inner peace, serenity, connection and unconditional love. The Rose Essences & Combinations offer you a unique opportunity to heal your heart and to expand your ability to live in love.
Platonic Solid & WellBeing Essences, Wellbeing Combinations are the new name for the five Combinations for Self Treatment which we did not include in the Divine Harmony Essences. These combinations are long time favourites with many of our customers and will continue to be available under their new name.
Inner Child Essences,Healing the inner child helps us develop a more positive personality, balanced emotions and greater spiritual connection, as well as creating powerful soul growth. Shimara has created these 36 beautiful flower & gem essence combinations to facilitate the healing of your Inner Child and to help you return to the radiance of your pure, true self. There is also a set of Divination cards to accompany this set.
Light Body Essences,The Rainbow Light Body Essences are very high frequency, finely tuned clearing and activation tools designed to assist in the development of our Light Body or Mer Ka Ba. Each of the essences in this set was created by a unique process resulting in a set of twelve very powerful essences that provide exactly the support we need now as we seek to assimilate higher & higher frequencies of Light into our physical and energetic systems.
Single Flower Essences,Here you can find the many different single Flower Essences that are available from Crystal Herbs. They can be taken individually or mixed into combinations to provide more focused help. This extensive collection of Flower Essences is a wonderful resource for anyone who enjoys creating their own unique combinations.
Enjoy the Essences I use them daily,
To Your Health and Success, Nina