Make $50 for Every FREE Phone you GIve Away

Posted by Meekin Bruemmer
646 Pageviews
Commission Rates:
Product Commission Rate
Individual post-paid phone activation (contract-based) $50 per shipped phone + 10% bonus if you reach 20 shipped phones in a given month!
2-Phone post-paid shared plan activation (contract-based) $60 per shipped shared plan (2 phones) + 10% bonus if you reach 20 shipped phones in a given month!
Add-a-Line (when a customer adds additional lines to a shared plan) $10 per shipped phone
Phone Upgrade/Contract Extension $10 per order maximum (regardless of # lines)
Disney Mobile, Ampd Mobile, Cingular GoPhone, T-Mobile ToGo, Virgin Mobile $7 per shipped phone
Q Score/SmartAccess/FlexPay phone (T-Mobile only) $10 per shipped order (regardless of # of phones)
Wireless Accessories (sold separately through the Accessories page, not combined with phone sales) 15% of total amount
Ringtone/Mobile Game Subscription $5 per sale
Dish Network TV $75 per installation

Bonus Details
You earn a 10% bonus when you sell 20 or more post-paid (contract based) cell phones in a given month. For example, say you ship 22 phones in August, your commission will be $50 * 22 + 10% bonus ($110) = $1210.00. Note that family plans with 2 lines count as 2 phones, so you could sell 10 family plans (2 phones each) and still get the bonus. Prepaid, no-contract, and QScore/SmartAccess phones do not apply. The bonus amount is calculated on the standard commission you earn on cell phones only (other non-cell phone products such as satellite tv, home alarms, etc are not included in the 10% calculation). Sub-affiliate sales do not count towards the bonus quota of 20 sales - only direct Tier-1 sales apply.