Got Sweaty Hands and Feet

Posted by Dave Nettles
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In social situations having really sweaty hands can lead to problems. When someone wants to shake your hand and it is sweaty, this can be embarrassing for you. If you don't offer your hand it can be misunderstood that you are anti-social or not polite. The person on the other end of things will not be thinking that you have sweaty hands and this is why you do not shake their hand. However, if you do shake hands when yours is sweaty it is an uncomfortable situation. When a person does have problems with excess sweating in their hands, it usually is a situation where they have both sweaty hands and feet.

The person who suffers from excessively sweaty feet has a condition known as Plantar Hyperhidrosis. With this medical condition, a person has feet that are so sweaty they are causing social and other problems for the sufferer. Not only can the sweat of the feet destroy shoes it can also lead to bacterial or fungal infections that make the feet smell. This makes wearing open shoes like sandals out of the question. This condition could possible lead to problems with a co-worker or even friends and family members.

The medical term for sweaty palms is called Palmar Hyperhidrosis. Both sweaty hands and feet can become severe and lead to problems that only recently has come to light as being a condition affecting a large segment of the population.  But the good thing is that the medical community has also become more familiar with treatment options.

It is essential for the body to sweat but when it is excessive it can be embarrassing and can lead to other problems like bacteria and fungi.  Medication exists that can help with relieving excessively sweaty hands and feet,  Some will work better than others, so you will need to check with your doctor and try different products.

The sweat glands will normally produce as much as 300 ml (about 1 1/4 cups) each day. However when the weather is extremely hot, this will increase to almost four liters or about a gallon's worth. When sweating amounts to more than what is normal, there is a small surgical procedure that can be done. There is also a natural solution for a treatment that is far less intrusive.

A natural alternative to excessive sweating is using sage. Sage can potentially cut the amount of sweating in half. All you have to do is drink tea that has sage in it to help reduce the sweating. You can drink sage tea for up to four weeks at a time, pause and then start again. Another method is to apply the tea to affected areas that have been washed and dried off first. There is a medicinal value in herbs and they are not known to cause side effects like most medications will.  But as with any other natural remedy, check with your doctor for an contraindications.

The purpose of the sweat glands is to reduce the heat in the body and bring the temperature into balance. The glands are a built in temperature gauge that keeps the body's heat regulated and controlled. When the body sweats more than necessary it can be for undiagnosed causes so it is best to seek some kind of treatment. If you use the sage tea and it is not effective for your sweaty hands and feet, then it is best to have a discussion with your physician and get proper treatment.

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