Placing plants inside the house gives off a cool atmosphere in a somewhat warm place. However, if you have animal companions inside the house, you should be well-aware that some plants can be toxic to pets, while there are house plants that are safe for cats, dogs, and other house pets. Moreover, some house plants that are safe for cats may be toxic for dogs and vice versa. This article will discuss toxic and non-toxic plants for your feline companions.

Types of House Plants that are Safe for Cats

Plants can either bring warmth or coolness inside the house, but these can also cause harm to your pets. Here are some house plants that are safe for cats:

African daisy
American rubber plant
Christmas cactus
Crimson bottlebrush
False aralia
Golden bells
Globe thistle
Holly fern
Honey plant
Majesty palm
Mother fern
Scarborough lily
Tulip poplar
Wild hyacinth
Yellow palm

You don't need to sacrifice aesthetic to keep your pets safe. Most of the house plants that are safe for cats are small and flowering plants that can be placed near windows or as a mantelpiece.

Toxic Plants for Cats

Aside from the abovementioned house plants that are safe for cats, owners must also watch out for toxic plants that can harm their pets. Some examples of toxic plants include:

Easter rose

Some of these plants are also harmful to dogs. To keep your pets safe, keep these plants away from your home or garden. If you really want to plant these inside your garden, place these inside wooden fences to keep your pets from wandering near the plants.

Cats are inquisitive animals, their owners must ensure that this inquisitiveness does not cause their furry companion any harm. Aside from placing only house plants that are safe for cats, owners must also ensure that they provide a safe, protected, and comfortable home for their pets.

For more Info visit : House Plants Care

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