Your holiday destination

According to the World Travel and Tourism Council the Algarve is set to become the most sought after holiday destination in Europe. The Algarve is situated on Portugal's southern coast and takes its name from the Arabic Al Gharb meaning 'country to the west'.

There's no doubt that the Algarve is perfect for long lazy days in the sun and relaxing strolls into town and along the coast.

Probably the most popular pursuit in the Algarve is golf. The Algarve is home to many of the world's top courses and has played host to many international tournaments and competitons.

However, the Algarve is not just about Golf. The Algarve is one of the most beautiful coastlines in the Mediterranean, with long, sweeping sandy beaches and inviting turquoise ocean stretching out ahead of you. If you are looking for golden beaches, beautiful red cliff formations and deep blue seas then the Algarve is exactly right for you. Boasting some 300 days of Sunshine, and some of Europe's most beautiful beaches and scenery, the Algarve is the perfect holiday destination and has a lot to offer.

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