Staying Laser Focused is Critical to Your Success in a Home Based Business

Posted by Melanie Milletics
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If there is one thing that I have learned that has put thousands a week into my pocket - it is to stay laser focused on the desired goal until it is achieved. For me, that means tuning out outside influences that would distract me from my work, or appeal to my emotions and perhaps even make me think that my goal was not worthy!

What do I mean?

Well, if you work online you no doubt have experienced information overload. You get hundreds of spam mail messages per day that you must wade through to find the gold you seek, and if you are researching how to succeed in your business - you can very quickly find yourself on a long winding ride to nowhere.

If you intend to succeed - if you KNOW you will succeed if you could just get down to what works - then please follow these instructions carefully so that you too can put thousands in your pockets!

First and foremost, find one company and stick with it for the long haul. Unless you find yourself in a business that you truly do not like, or if you find that it's corrupt in some way - or they go and change the comp plan - stick with your company. Do not let anyone or anything tell you that they have the better deal. The grass will always seem greener, the money will always bigger with another company. Now, you are in business for yourself and you are not 'married' to a company - but I'm telling you that you will get NOWHERE fast if you are a company jumper, or an MLM junkie. Do your research and find an excellent company (yes, they are out there!), and stick with it until you succeed. You will be far more likely to succeed if you know the company and comp plan inside and out than if you leave it behind assuming it 'didn't work', when in fact, you didn't work it. Most residual millionaires have built those fortunes by building one business HUGE. They create a story for themselves, build momentum, support a team and ride off into the sunset living their life by design.

That is what you want isn't it? You are ultimately working for freedom - for the residual millions. So stick where you are. If you aren't happy where you are- then learn more about your company - meet some of your key leaders and see why they are there. You may just find that doing so, really learning your business, is all you need in order to love where you are! You have to see the vision to work it long term. If you really hate your company- find your new home quickly, and then get down to WORK.

Now, put your blinders on. Ignore the mail that wants to tell you about the next big thing- the voicemail blasts that want to sell you the voiceblaster, the people who purchased your name and want to tell you about their deal. Ignore it COMPLETELY. It is of no use to you, it will not make you successful in your business. Do not surf the net looking for the next big thing, the magic traffic system, the worlds best lead source, the automated downline builder... Don't even go there! The internet is an energy sucker - a vampire sucking away the precious productive hours that you have to build your empire. Just STOP surfing.

Your upline leaders will share with you the tools they use. Do not recreate the wheel. Use the system that is in place to build. If your direct sponsor is not terribly successful, go upline until you find the leader who will help you. A true leader should be able to direct you to the tools to help you to build in whatever way YOU choose. There are many ways to build and you need to find the ways that resonate with you. Whether you want to build online or offline, or both- your upline leader should be able to give you the system that works to put in new reps. Once you are making 30-40K per month, then maybe you can get fancy and try new methods- until then, be teachable and use the system in place!

I know you are still waiting for what will put thousands in your pocket - right? The answer is - WORK. Work your business like mad to build your financial fortress. The speed of your success depends only on your level of belief and your massive action. You need to KNOW that if others are earning the big checks- you can and will as soon as you expect success. Stay laser focused and work the system. Ignore the distractions that you encounter online - don't join another company - don't go looking for the magic bullet. Plug into your system and WIN.

"Success can be defined as the progressive realization of a worthy ideal." - Earl Nightingale

Melanie Milletics is a successful internet marketer and creator of, a resource that provide information and tools to those who strive to have a successful home based business.